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Autel IM608 Audi IMMO Online Calculation Function Cancelled


The influence of Audi OE strategy changes has led to the suspension of online calculation functions at home and abroad – Announcement from Autel (based on MaxiIM IM608/IM508).


What VAG car models are influenced?
All Audi IMMO online function is not working, including those from Autel and the method of paying for data calculation from the third party.

VW Skoda will not be affected for the time being.

List of affected functions. (All Audi Expert Mode functions):
A3 2013+ add key (a part) and all keys lost
A4 2014 – 2016 add key and all keys lost
A5 2014 – 2016 add key and all keys lost
A6/A7 2012 – 2017 all keys lost
Q2 2018 – 2020 add key (a part)and all keys lost
Q3 2012 – 2019 All keys lost
Q3 2019 – 2020 add key (a part)and all keys lost
Q5 2014 – 2018 add key and all keys lost
TT 2016 – 2020 add key and all keys lost

Short-term issues and solution:

1. Disable the online immo function and notify the after-sales service. At the same time, follow the OE account strategy.
2. For the overseas accounts, deploy a current limit strategy of 6/hour and 48/day.

Long-term issues and solutions:

1. Classify all the above-mentioned models that cannot be processed, and convert online functions into local functions. Including: MQB JCI type, MQB Bosch type, MQB MM type, BCM2 encryption type, etc.
2. At the same time, identify the VAG online functions and prepare a plan.

NO.ModelYearImmo systemAdd keyAll keys lostImpact ratioSolution
1A12011-20194th generationYY(Disassembly)WorkingN/A
2A12019+MQBNNAdd key:100%

AKL: 100%
VDO after 2019 dashboard analysis 8V0920740B
3A32013+MQBY(50%)Nadd key 50%

1、EV_DashBoard FPKAU37X dashboard analysis 8V0920790A

2、VDO after 2019 dashboard analysis 8V0920740B
4A42009-2014/6BCM2YY(Partially disassembled)WorkingN/A
5A42014/6-2016/8BCM2(Encrypted)NNAdd key:100%

AKL: 100%
BCM2 encypted analysis
6A52009-2014/6BCM2YY(Partially disassembled)workingN/A
7A52014/6-2016/8BCM2(Encrypted)NNAdd key:100%

AKL: 100%
BCM2 encypted analysis
8A62011-2019BCM2YY (A part)add key: working

9A72011-2019BCM2YY(A part)add key:working

10A82010-2018BCM2YY(A part)add key:working

11Q22017+MQBY(50%)NAdd key:50%

1、EV_DashBoardFPKAU37X dashboard analysis 8V0920790A

2、VDO after 2019 dashboard analysis 8V0920740B
12Q32012-20194th IMMOYY(Disassembly)WorkingN/A
13Q32019+MQBNNAdd key:100%

VDO after 2019 dashboard analysis 8V0920740B
14Q52009-2014/6BCM2YY(Partially disassembled)WorkingN/A
15Q52014/6-2017BCM2(Encrypted)NNAdd key:100%

BCM2 encypted analysis
16TT2015+MQBNNAdd key:100%

AKL: 100%
1、EV_DashBoardBOSCHAU33X dashboard analysis8S0920790A,8S0920790B
      Buying advice8V0920740B(A3,Q2) 2pieces

8V0920790A(A3) 1 pieces

8S0920790A,8S0920790B(TT) (2 choose 1)
NO.3Car makeSystemTypeAdd keyAll keys lostSolution
1AudiMQBVDO before 2019YNN/A
2AudiMQBVDO 2019+NN8V0920740B(A3,Q2) (2 pieces)
3AudiMQBFPKNN8V0920790A(A3) (1 pieces)
4AudiMQBBOSCHNN8S0920790A,8S0920790B(TT) (2 choose 1)
5AudiBCM2Before 2014/6YYN/A
6AudiBCM22014/6+NNno feasible solution
7VW SkodaMQBVDO before 2019YNN/A
8VW SkodaMQBVDO 2019+NN5NG920650C(Tiguan, Passat)





10VW Skoda4th generationVDO (not support)NN31G920850B(Jetta)

11VW Skoda4th generationJCI (not support)NN18G920860B(LAVIDA)

12VW Skoda4th generationMMNN5ND920873B(Touran)
MQB (not support)Count item:1OEMCar modelMQB (Support)Count item:14th generation (not support)Count item:1OEMCar model
5NG920650C599VDDTiguan, Passat5GD920640A59556D920861A1547  
In total34831  In total22167In total83191  
3GD920640A2966JCI 5GD920730150731G920850B4458VDOJetta
5GG920640A2751JCI 5NG920650B147134D920850C3847JCISantana
5GG920640B2175JCI 5NG920640B136918D9208502595  
5GG9208601712JCI 8V0920861A124656D920871A2453  
3GD920640C1382JCI 5GD920630A110131G920850A2172  
5GG920640C1156JCI 8V092086189418D9208602008  
5GD920640B833JCI 5NG92065079331G920850C1951  
19G920640A820JCI 8V0920861N72418D920860A1669  
5GG920640D584JCI 5GD92064057718D920870A1378  
5ED920860B566JCI 51G920630C56618D920870B1329  
55G920650398JCI 56G920740A43418D920850B1116  
2GD920640394JCI 5GD9207504036RD920860K1044  
3GD920640384JCI 8V0920861H33356D920871995  
5GG920630338JCI 5NG9206403245ND920883B959  
17G920640323JCI 5TD920640B29718D920850A856  
19G920640286  5ED92086024256D920880796  
3G0920791C275  51G9206402336RD920860E789  
5GG920630A255  51G920640C2326RD920860G740  
3GB920790231  8V0920871E15056D920860B656  
5ED920850B220  5GD92065014718G920860A654  
3GD920650204  8V0920860T12934D920850D626  
5GG920850188  5GD920650A916RD920860H602  
3G0920791B184  56G9207408216D920876596  
3CG920791176  8V0920870F7331G920850E581  
3GD920650A174  8V0920872B7356D920861568  
5GG920630B163  5G1920656A716RD920860A566  
5TD920640134  51G920630B6856D920860510  
2GD920640A125  8V0920872D648U0920930H506  
5GD920730124  51G9206305816D920852488  
5GD920740117  5TD9206504856D920880A488  
3CG920791A85  5NA920650A395ND920883464  
5G1920791B76  56G920730A3718D920870451  
2GD920790A75  3VD920750A3318G920826423  
5G192065075  5TD920650B2518G920860419  
8V0920861A75  8V0920871G2556D920870A414  
5G1920791A74  5G19206582416D920872406  
51G920640D73  8V0920873A246RD920860D403  
5NA920791B73  56G920750A1931G920850D397  
8V0920790B72  56G9207501718D920800E386  
5GD920630A71  5G1920656B165ND920871A386  
8V0920860T71  5179206501518D920860B385  
8V092086171  19D9206401231G920850380  
3G0920650B69  5GG920640B1234D920850G370  
3G0920791D66  3GD920640A116RD920860L368  
5NA920791A62  51G92065096RD920860J359  
83A920700B59  5G1920654A931G920850F351  
5GG920630C58  5G1920658C916D920866346  
83A92070055  8V0920873932D920850B346  
3GB92065454  5GG92064086RD920860F343  
55G92079053  517920650A716D920855342  
3G0920791A52  3GD920640B634D920860B336  
5ED92086052  3GB920640518G920870A328  
2GD92079051  56G920730556D920860A321  
3GG920650A51  8V0920870J516D920871312  
5ED920850A51  19G920640A418G920860C296  
5ED920860A46  5GG920640A432D920850A279  
5NG92065441  5GG920640C416D920851271  
8V0920870F41  5GG920860456D920881242  
3G0920650C40  5NG920650C48U0920930D234  
19G92065039  8V0920740B434D920850F226  
5GD92064038  8V0920871F45C5920870L221  
8V0920861N36  8V0920873Q418D920800A206  
3G0920650A35  17G92064035C5920876C204  
5NG920640C34  19G92064031TD920865A185  
5GD920640A32  2GG92064035KD920863181  
3GG92065031  56G920790331G920850G180  
19D92065529  5G1920656316D920865177  
5NG920650B29  5GD920640B31ZD920803B176  
5G0920640A28  5NA920650B36RD920860N175  
5TD920640B27  6C092073035MD920861170  
5NG920640B26  8V092079031TD920861A166  
8V0920790C26  3GD92064026RD920860166  
19G920650A25  3GD920640C232D920860B164  
56G92079023  56G920730C26RF920860C163  
5GD92075021  5G1920741218D920850D162  
5NG92079021  5G1920756218G920826D151  
8V0920861H20  5GG920630216D920870147  
3GD920650B17  5GG920640D232D920860D145  
5GD92079016  6C0920730H27N0920870P143  
5NA920790D15  6V0920740A28U0920930F143  
5NG92065015  6V0920740C216D920886141  
3G0920650D14  8V0920870R25ND920873139  
3VD92073011  8V0920872C25MD920862136  
5NA920791C11  2GD920640116D920875135  
3VD92075010  3G0920650D134D920860C129  
55G92064010  3G092074111K8920873127  
5G1920650D10  3G0920791C11TD920865126  
51G920630C9  3G0920791D118G920870120  
8V0920871E8  3GB920654156D920870120  
3VD920740B7  3GG920650A116D920850106  
51G9206407  3V0920710A11ZD920803106  
51G920640C7  517920640A15KD920862106  
5G0920861B7  51G920640D134D920860A101  
5G19206406  5E0920871D134D920850H94  
5GD9206506  5F092086215M092086192  
56G920740A5  5G1920640A15MD92087188  
5G1920640A5  5G1920740116D92087482  
5G1920640B5  5G1920758A118A92087079  
5GD920650A5  5G1920958118D920870C78  
5NG9206405  5G1920958B11K892087477  
3VD9207904  5NA920750116D92086474  
5G19207304  5NA920791A16VD920700A74  
3CG920791B3  5NG92065415KD920860A73  
3G0920790B3  6C0920731A15N0920883B73  
3G0920798A3  8S0920790A11K892087270  
51G920630B3  8V0920790A17E0920880R67  
51G920640B3  8V0920794116D92086162  
56G9207403  8V092087011K8920874C62  
5G1920640C3  8V0920870H13TD920841B59  
8S0920790C3  8V0920871134D92086058  
3VD920740A2  8V0920871R15MD92087258  
3VD920750A2  8V0920872J11TD92087154  
51G9206302  8V0920872P15LD92080054  
56G920740B2  (空白) 32D92085049  
5G09208602    6RD92087046  
5G09208612    5M092087143  
5G1920656A2    18G920826A42  
5G19207402    5C592087542  
5G1920740A2    1K8920871B41  
5G69208702    8U0920940D41  
5NA920790A2    1K8920865B40  
5TD9206502    5JD920810D38  
8V09207942    5N092087238  
8V0920870J2    32D920860C37  
8V0920871G2    5C5920870B37  
8V0920872B2    6RF92086036  
8V0920872D2    7E0920870R36  
8V0920873A2    7E0920880M36  
17A920740A1    3TD920841C35  
3CN920891B1    5C5920870J35  
3G09206401    5N0920882B35  
3G09207411    5KD92087234  
3G0920751B1    5LD92084033  
517920640A1    6RU920860E33  
51G9206501    18D920870D32  
56G920740C1    32D920860A32  
56G9207501    5K092087232  
5E09207311    7N0920870H32  
5E0920870B1    7N0920870K32  
5G09208501    5JD92081031  
5G0920851A1    5N092088329  
5G0920851C1    16D92086228  
5G0920861A1    5JD920810C28  
5G19206411    7N0920870F28  
5G1920641A1    5JD920810A27  
5G19206581    18A920870A26  
5G1920658C1    5K692087126  
5G1920730A1    5K692087326  
5G19207901    3TD920811A25  
5G6920870B1    5K692087225  
5G6920870E1    5N0920871A25  
5GD920630A1    7N0920870D25  
5NA920650A1    5KD92086023  
5NA920750B1    1TD92087522  
5NA920750C1    3TD920811B22  
5NG920654B1    5KD920870A22  
5TA920640A1    31G920860A21  
5TA9206411    1K8920873B20  
5TA920650A1    3TD920841A20  
5TA9207411    5JD920810B19  
5TD920650B1    1K8920885C18  
6C09207301    5KD92087318  
6C0920730A1    6VD92070018  
6C0920730B1    18A92086017  
6C0920730H1    18G920826C17  
6C0920731A1    31G92086017  
6C0920740A1    3TD920811C17  
6C09209401    5N0920883F16  
7C0920731A1    16D92086015  
8S09207901    3TD92084115  
8V0920870D1    56D920871AX15  
8V0920870H1    5K792087015  
8V0920871A1    5K792087115  
8V0920871B1    5N092087115  
(空白)     7E0920880D15  
      56D920871 X9  
      1TD920865 X5  
      1ZD920803 X5  
      56D920860 X5  
      56D920880 X5  
      1TD920875 X2  
      56D920870 X2  
      5K6920872 X2  
      5ND920883 X2  
      1K8920874 X1  
      56D920861 X1  
      5K6920873 X1  
      5KO920883 X1  
      5LD920800 X1  
      5LD920840 X1  


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